
Susquehanna invites students to participate in a dynamic research environment on campus and beyond.

早在他们一年级的时候, students can engage in immersive research opportunities, 通过实践培养好奇的头脑, 现实世界的经验. 我们的学生与教师一起工作, 同行, community partners and independently to ask important questions and seek answers in thoughtful and innovative ways.

Thanks to opportunities made available through university and donor funding, Susquehanna students can work throughout the academic year or spend their summer honing their professional skills and making an impact in a wide array of fields — from marketing to biology.




Susquehanna allows 一年级 students the opportunity to participate in research to begin their experiences sooner. 



每年夏天结束的时候, students gather to share their research results and experiences and celebrate hard work. 


“It is a great testing ground for students to discover what they want to do, 有时候更重要的是, 他们不想做的事, 毕业后.”

                  — Associate Professor of Chemistry William Dougherty

Summer research program student in a chemistry lab.


Research seeks to 正确的 American record on lynching

The historic record of lynching in the United States has been hampered in its accuracy by an unreasonably limited definition of the act and a previous refusal to give credence to historic Black news sources and the work of Ida B. 威尔斯和全国有色人种协进会私刑调查档案. 艾莎Upton-Azzam, assistant professor of sociology at 浩博体育app, 试图改变这种不公正吗.


在水生生态系统中, microscopic organisms like phytoplankton and mixoplankton form the backbone of the food web. Ecology major Michael Rose ’25 spent his summer investigating these organisms through a research collaboration with professors Sophie Charvet and 杰克·霍尔特, focusing on isolating and cultivating key mixoplankton from local water bodies.

Chemistry major interning through National Science Foundation program

Christina Vo ’25 is one of only eight undergraduate students nationwide selected to participate in a research project at the University of Puerto Rico’s Crystallization Design Institute. The program is funded through the National Science Foundation’s 研究经验s for Undergraduates program.


牧师. 马丁·路德·金. is widely recognized as a prominent advocate for nonviolence. In a recent piece published in Dialog, A Journal of Theology, Jeffrey K. Mann posits that King’s view of nonviolence was not as absolute as we might think.


近130名学生提交了研究报告, music and artwork at Susquehanna’s Senior Scholars Day, an event where students showcase the culmination of their years of study and honor the professors who acted as their mentors. The event continues a tradition spanning more than 50 years.



Today’s career paths are full of exciting challenges and new opportunities, so you’ll need the skills to last a lifetime of job searches and career shifts.

Image of Conner Garrison '23 at his summer internship with the U.S. 陆军工程兵团.


这要归功于我们与雇主的关系, 热心的Alumni和学术部门, internship opportunities are plentiful and continuously growing.


Fellowships and scholarships provide outstanding opportunities to expand your horizons, broaden your knowledge and serve as a stepping stone to a successful career or an advanced degree.