

Pictured are 拿俄米Niskala, associate professor of music, seated at piano; Emily Erdman '25, left; and Andrew Dirienzo '25, 正确的. Pictured are 拿俄米Niskala, associate professor of music, seated; Emily Erdman ’25, left; and Andrew Dirienzo ’25.A beautiful Baldwin grand piano will be played by 浩博体育app musicians for generations to come, thanks to a legacy gift made by David A. ’62 and Sally McKalip ’63 Lisi.

Sally graduated from Susquehanna with a degree in 音乐教育 和监督. 作为一名学生, she studied piano under the tutelage of Galen Deibler and performed in the university’s symphonic band. After graduating, she taught music for the Halifax Area School District.

The Lisis purchased the six-foot Baldwin grand piano in 1976, and it has resided in their home ever since. With anticipated plans for her piano’s future not coming to fruition, Sally believed that Susquehanna’s students would be the best to benefit from it.

“I want my piano to go to a home that will be loving and protective of it and allow it to be played daily by all levels of expertise,莎莉说. “I 知道 that Susquehanna will be just the place for that.”

While Sally’s piano will not officially move to Susquehanna until after her bequest has been realized, students have already had an opportunity to perform with it.

After learning of Sally’s wish to hear her “baby” played by Susquehanna students, 拿俄米Niskala, associate professor of music, arranged a visit to Sally and David’s home with Andrew Dirienzo ’25, 音乐教育专业, 以及25岁的艾米丽·厄德曼, a 音乐表演 major — both of whom are accomplished pianists. During an intimate recital also attended by several of Sally’s former music students, 家庭, 朋友和爱人, Niskala, Dirienzo and Erdman performed a selection of works by Bach, 肖邦, Ginastera, 勃拉姆斯和格什温.

“The piano sounded wonderful,” said Niskala. “Sally was clearly moved as Andrew and Emily helped her piano come to life, and I am so honored that I could be a part of that.”

“Like people, each piano has a different story to tell as no two pianos are the same,” said Erdman. “You must be able to read a piano and understand how it speaks for your music to have an impact on your audience.

“To play a recital for someone who understands the 语言 you’re speaking — that 语言 being music — is profoundly moving,” she added. “There is nothing more memorable than to show your thanks through an unspoken conversation when you 知道 how important it is to that person.”

The piano represents more than a gift; it represents the symbiotic relationship between mentors and their students.

“Knowing the impact that Sally has had on generations of students only added to the magic of playing for her,Dirienzo说.

“Sally’s only wish is that her piano continues to be played, and I can assure her that it will be used extensively by our students and other musicians,尼斯卡拉补充道. “We will be so grateful to add such a beautiful instrument — and one so lovingly well cared for — to the 音乐系’s practice and performance spaces.”

Learn more about Susquehanna’s 音乐系.